In August 2021,
the philosophy of mathematics group at the University of
Copenhagen (including Mikkel
Willum Johansen and Henrik
Kragh Sørensen)
organize an online summer course on Topics in Philosophy of
Mathematical Practice and a connected informal mini-conference with
invited guest lectures.
The summer course is only open to registered students, but you can get
a glimpse at its contents from this link which includes the syllabus and
description of the structure of the course.
The mini-conference consists of six invited lectures delivered
through Zoom with ensuing
It is intended to be informal
and open to interested guests, and the mini-conference is announced on
the APMP mailing list and on various social media.
Each presentation in the mini-conference is invited to talk
about a recent paper related to the themes of the summer
course. We strive to invite junior as well as senior colleagues
from Europe and abroad. The presentations should last for 45
minutes with an additional 45 minutes for discussion with students
of the course and other participants.
If you are interested in partipating in the mini-conference, send an
email to Henrik (henrik.kragh[at] with your name and email, so that we may send you a
link to the Zoom sessions.